Tuesday, January 24, 2012

And here we go...

Welcome to my new blog. I named this blog 273 Pounds, as that is what I weighed yesterday, January 23, 2011. Yesterday was the day I decided to lose weight, for good.

How much do I have to lost? Going by BMI, 189 is the maximum for my healthy weight range. And right now, that seems insane and a bit depressing. So I'm going to shoot for 220. It's close to the maximum for my overweight range, but it's not THE maximum, and it's a lot more reasonable. Once I reach 220, will I go further? Perhaps. But I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Baby steps, baby steps... And I'm losing with Weight Watchers, which I've done before.

Yeah, as with many other people, this isn't my first attempt at losing weight, this is my third. First time was about 3 years ago, didn't go so well as I didn't make enough changes. But in July 2010 (July Fourth weekend actually), I weighed about 285, the highest I've ever weighed, and lost about 15 pounds by the beginning of September. Then I fell off the wagon, with a new job, the holidays, and other excuses. But now, now I'm doing this for real.

I just hope I don't quit after a few months like before. But third time's the charm, right?